Friday, August 1, 2008

Jen Goes West- The Road Trip

First off, without everyone's help, this never would have happened. We had Debbie, Arlo's mom, on packing and cleaning duty at both houses. She touched god knows what kinds of substances at my place, didn't complain about the heat, and was able to be left alone without fear of her snooping too much. We had Wendy, whose arms of steel made for some swift moving of the boxes. She moved quickly and with purpose, much like a righteous avenger of justice! Then , we had Kevin and Jess (with Nathaniel). Kevin's "hump straps" (ask me about it if you don't know what they are and are anticipating a move), awesome attitude of optimism, laid-back-ness, and hilARious impression of a "world's strongest man" contender doing the power move of a lift (I forget the name, but I almost peed my pants and passed out it was so funny). Jess' sweetness and support as we were packing, and of course, the fantastic presence of Nathaniel. Lastly, but certainly not leastly (is that a word? I don't think so, but TWF), Bill and Amanda. Freakin awesome, there till the end, tough love, throwing things off the balcony, taking things I couldn't bear to throw or take, and being so supportive in the move. I am so grateful for all of my friends, I can't even put it into words. I think part of what made it possible to leave was knowing what I have back home.

So, despite all of the work done the day before, we were still crazy the day we left. I still had to clean the apartment, drug the cats, pray that I wouldn't get charged during the walk-through, and travel with Arlo to drop off cable stuff and pick up Marley (not at the same place). We hit the road around 4, and I was already exhausted. I was also completely freaked out about my cats, as the drugs did really weird things to their eyes and the walked like my dad does on a typical happenin night. After a call to the vet, I was ready to go. We drove through three states that day (I think): Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. We stayed in three separate rooms that night, Arlo and Marley in one, Me and the cats in the other, and Debbie in the third. I was just excited about the bed and making sure my cats' eyes were normal again. (They were.) Up early and out that morning, drove the rest of the way. Around mid-afternoon I had some intestinal distress, and let me just tell you, that's the WORST time ever to need to be near a toilet. As I'm assuming that mostly my friends will be reading this, you already know I tell WAY too much info, so this won't be a surprise. Anyway, it sucked. Not only that, but I also drove away with no gas cap after the first fill-up. Surprise, surprise, Jen's forgetful. So, bought a new one, spent way too long in the rest-stop's bathroom, and we were on the road again. Made it to Racine around 8:00, I think. After going to Arlo's dad's place to use his computer to get insurance, we went back to his mom's and passed out. Arlo headed to Lollapalooza around 7:00 this morning and I was on my own (plus a Debbie, Arlo's mom.) I will do another post in just a few minutes, after I pee, find a plug for the computer and get a caffeinated beverage.

1 comment:

Kevbo said...

I was doing the weight lifting "clean and jerk." Those guys scream their heads off - you should watch them in the olympics later this summer... -KH