Friday, June 19, 2009

No Computer, What Am I To Do??!?!?!

So, Arlo's computer bit it the other day, and now we are left high and dry, relying on the goodness of our public library for posting, facebooking, and other very important -ings. No, not erotic literature reading.... geesh! Anyway, I felt a need to explain my recent slippage of my almost-as-recent improvement in posting. This is why. Also, while I'm here, I thought I would throw out there that I will be in Baltimore next week. I'm heading in late Wednesday and staying until Monday. I will be attending my Grandmother's funeral on Friday and probably doing a lot of family stuff, but if anyone has free-time that coordinates with my free-time, we should get together. Let me know!
Miss you all!


amanda said...

Jen, got your message - the baby shower IS next Sunday. You and your mom are most welcome to come!!!

chovak said...

Egad! No more frequent posting?! I was really digging the multiple post format.

hmmm... maybe Sunday. Oh wait, baby shower's Sunday. Well, keep in touch about your plans.

Unknown said...

For the record, I still get points for Amanda's commenting first. Even though I obviously commented through her screen name, I just wanted to make the obvious explicit.


jenr78 said...

Oh, goody!!! I will be there! Now, though, I'm bummed that we gave you the gifts when we did. Maybe I should re-wrap them and have you open them again! Nah, just kidding. Just make sure to point out the hand-made animals and tell everyone that I made them. tee hee hee

Drej- I know! Tell me about it. I was actually liking the free-form format, not waiting until there was something big to blog about. As for a visit, I will keep you posted. I'll give you a call when I'm in town. Lord knows when I'll see you again when you leave for Japan!

Note to everyone- Blogs are a good idea for many reasons, and I just learned another one- When you add pictures and then your computer goes kaput, you have back-up of at least some of the visual memories. Keep your fingers crossed for the health of Arlo's computer. :)

Jessica said...

Hey! Sorry we'll miss you this time, but we are at the beach... But, if you find yourself bored and/or wanting to see Natty walk on Sunday evening give us a call!