So, I'm pretty sad that I don't have time this morning to use the leaf blower out front to rid the yard of leaves. Leaf blowers are awesome! I compare it to the memories of raking leaves as a kid, and man, so much better now!! We have two very large trees, one in the front and one in the back, and I can't imagine doing it all by hand. And now I don't! Yay leaf blowers! Not that I'm going to do an entire post proclaiming the greatness of these machines. No, there is much to mention. In fact, I will probably forget most of it, and as I'm in a bit of a time crunch, I will be numbering all of the topics in a list format, starting with the most important and moving on down. Notice, I started with the leaf blower. Pretty big stuff! Onto the list!
1. I got a job! I interviewed for the position two weeks ago and when I didn't hear back from them earlier on the day that they told me they'd get to me by, I thought I didn't get it. I was pretty much convinced, and I had spent the morning applying to another batch of jobs. But at around 3:30, AJ called and offered me the job! So, now I will be officially known as Jen Reiter, Psychotherapist/Outpatient Clinic Manager. I will be working with a variety of clients from children with ADHD and ODD to adults with chronic mental illness, psychiatric disorders, drug addiction and mental retardation. I am so excited! I don't start until November 17, so I'm spending this time relaxing, getting new work clothes, reading, and getting a jump on Christmas present creation (see below for more). More to post later on the job front.
2. Halloween! Arlo and I went out for Halloween and had a blast! He was not thrille

d with the idea of dressing up when I told him I was really into it, oh, say 3 months ago when we moved. But he warmed to the idea, so much so that I wasn't even planning on doing anything and he asked if we could. We debated between being two present-day dirty hippies a la Bonnaroo, or a lesbian couple, and in the end we went with dirty hippies. My costume was complete with frizzie wig, tattoo around the belly button, long skirt and fairy wings. Awesome! Arlo looked splendid in his Grateful Dead rasta shirt, rainbow glasses and tall hat. We went to a few bars in Milwaukee and ended up at Ma Fishers for the fried food platter. Fun night! For more on Halloween from Arlo's perspective, see his blog at, and we also carved pumpkins, see below! Mine is the scary one.

3. I joined the Y! They had a deal for joining by October 31, so I did it and it's awesome! I have been twice since I joined and I haven't used the pool yet, but I'm very excited to head there tomorrow. I also can't wait for the spinning classes and kick-boxing classes. Arlo signed up with me on a family plan, though his intention is to use the gym more like a spa, going mostly to use the hot tub and sauna when it's really cold in the winter and he needs a good thaw. I, on the other hand, have visions of us sweating together gleefully in a spinning class or encouraging each other as co-spotters. Ah, the idealist. So much fun to dream, so sad when those dreams are dashed!
Alright, best be going. I need to get ready for work now. One last thing. I'm trying something new for Christmas this year. I have an idea of what I want to make everyone for Christmas, but I'm making an offer. If there's something I've given someone else or something you've seen, thought up but don't think you can make (a la Kevin's blanket with sleeves), or something I've made you before and you want another one (like a new pair of pj bottoms), please shoot me an email or post a comment. I will try
to honor requests. That being said, if I have my heart set on making you something else, you might get that, so you'll still be surprised come gift exchange time.
Blanket with sleeves! Or pajama bottoms. Anything that will keep me warm at night is fine by me...
(Don't take that the wrong way!)
Drats! Foiled by "AAK" again! I know that Matt G. would really like a collection of your favorite musings on apple picking. Maybe that would be nice to frame or something!? Anyway, nice costumes, but it kindof seems like me dressing up like a dirty lawyer, don't you think!?
All the best fair Jennifer.
I would like a leaf blower koozie.
Arlo- oh, I'll give you a koozie alright....a ball koozie...just ask Kevin how much he likes his!
I don't have any specific requests, but I have to say those PJ bottoms are my favorite and most used gift you've given me :)
CONGRATULATIONS! I'm glad you found a job you are excited about. I can't wait to hear about how it goes!
I love our leaf blower, though it was the only thing that scared Natty when he was still in the belly. I think I sucked up a big piece of mulch or something and it made an awful noise and he jumped. Too funny. I guess I shouldn't have been leaf mulching when I was 8 months pregnant!
I have no requests for Christmas. We'll be happy just to have everyone around again! I just started using the journal you gave me last year!
Talk to you soon!
Congrats on the job!
Q: How many kids with ADD does it take to screw in a light bulb?
I don't know, how many kids with ADD does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Gotcha again!
The slanket is awesome, Jen, thanks so much.
I have one piece of constructive criticism: the sleeves get pretty hot. Sleeves that aren't so tight to the skin, droopy cuffs, or vents in the armpits might be good.
Still, better than being cold and needing to read.
(Bill, do you like how I'm making these comments actually apropos to the blogpost and not just part of our silly war?)
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