You know it's fall in Wisconsin when all of the Hortons begin getting excited about the Gaysmills Apple
Since then,
October has started, our fall shows are in full swing, including Pushing Daisies, How I Met Your Mother, and Arlo's recent find, which you should check out if you have BBC, Gavin and Stacey. We have had some really fun times, including when Arlo made me a super awesome suprise dinner of crab legs, asparagus, and corn on the cob. It was delicious! As you can see, I am enjoying it! We have also been having some fun dates, like going out for mini-bowling at Koz's, a local bar, playing trivia at Nomad, another bar, and checking out the local scene at Robert's, up the street from us. I haven't been keeping track of my Live Music Tally, but we went to see some live music too, Cory Chisel and the Traveling Sons (I think that's the name anyway). Cool band. For more detail than that, check out Arlo's blog.
So, other than that, what else? Hmmm...there was my VISIT FROM WENDY!!! Wendy came and stayed with us on her way to Seattle this past weekend and it was AWESOME! It was so great to have someone her who knows me and has been my friend for quite some time. After picking her up at the airport it seemed like she's been here the whole time, we just picked right up. We spent the weekend doing what we did best as friends, talking (a lot), crafting, watching tv, eating, thrift shopping, and drinking wine. In addition, we did two things that we haven't done in the past- sing kareoke and search for a bronz statue of The Fonz from Happy Days. Both were successful endeavors. The singing took place at Robert's. We originally went there to see the Neill Diamond impersonator (don't judge, it's our local bar!), but they were doing kareoke instead, for Sweetest Day (like Valentine's Day, don't ask). As I have always wanted to try it and never had the courage, and Wendy was feeling the same way, we decided that now would be the perfect time, as there were about 10 people in the bar, including us, and the average age was 51. I sang Copacobana, and Wendy did Blister in the Sun. Both were huge hits! It was a wonderful weekend, but it had to come to an end. I dropped Wendy off at the airport at the butt-crack of dawn on Monday morning and then headed back to bed, sleepy and sad after the send-off. Now, it's back to the job search, waiting tables, and perhaps a renewed quest for a new female friend. Not that Arlo doesn't make a fabulous boyfriend and friend, but no one can be someone's everything. Wow, that was a mouthful. Alright, need to be going. Time to exercise and do all of the other things on my list of things that need to get done today. Oh, before I go though, one more thing. Marley's been doing some strange things lately and we are wondering if he's having an identity crisis after living in a house with two cats. Is this weird?
Peace out to Bill (and everyone else).
Bill's not your only reader, you know.
Went apple-picking, too. The dining room's still full of Fujis, and that's after eating at least one a day plus a roommate making apple dumplings and dutch apple pancakes. Apple pie might be in the works soon.
Tell Arlo to keep abloggin', will you? Just 'cause readers don't comment doesn't mean they're not reading. And, no, I couldn't not make no more negatives not fit into that previous sentence, not.
Yo sucka! Thanks for the e-mail directing me to check out the blog. Keep them coming and you'll have another reader in addition to Bill and Andrej. Natty is reading too... At least he's looking at the pictures and trying to help me type!
Ha! Jen, don't believe 'em. Those other comments were really just ME posing as other people to make you feel like you were pulling a more diverse audience (but who would need it!?).
Anyway, two chestnuts come to mind worth sharing. The first is that I can be your everything. The second is that I hope that your fun, fall axe finding excursion isn't the precursor to a very bloody winter (it sounds like the beginning of a bad horror movie). What if said axe possesses Arlo and CHOP. Word of warning, the cats will be the first to get it...I'll be actualizing myself in your universe, so think on me and I'll save you like the guy in the Shining.
Thanks for the (brief) mention. Perhaps your next post would be to list out a Top 10 of who you would want to come see you in Wisconsin and talk about how great I am. Naturally, I would be first, as I love to talk about myself and you love to read me doing so, but give it a try with other people. Go on...go ahead...we're waiting.
Hugs and kisses,
A successful blog entry, you sound nastalgic, which I think is the emotion of the season, but also like you are settling in. Once again I think you proved that not all blogs have to suck as bad as Andrej's.
PS - I am paper-mache-ing sometime soon and am really missing you!
Wow, turns out all I needed to do was set up an email reminder. If I had known that, I would have done it ages ago. Of course, I did have Bill and occasionally Kevin and Matt to sustain me, but it is good to have a larger audience. Addressing each of you in kind:
Andrej-I shared your plea with Arlo, and he was pleased you are reading the blog-now just POST for shit's sake. I heard that you and George have a blog that you alternate? What's that about? Is it as cool as mine? :)
Jess-Thanks for commenting!! It means a lot to me that you and Natty are checking out the blog. How is that little darling? Does he have any teeth yet?
Bill-Ah, Bill. The mainstay of this blog readership. What would I do without you? Thanks for the warning, I'll make sure to create a safe-room for my cats should Arlo get that crazed look in his eyes.
K-bo- Your support and enthusiasm have kept me going even when I had no comments (or one, as there was always Bill (not to be taken forgranted)). Yes, I'm definitely feeling nostalgic, and having Wendy here made me recognize it even more. That's okay. It's good to miss people. I will be missing you too as you do papier-mache. What are you making?!?!? As you can probably guess, I've started thinking about Christmas presents, though now I have a bit of a dilemna for home-made gifts as I'll be bringing them in my luggage/sending them in the mail, so things have to be small or portable. We'll see how that works out.
Alright, y'all. Thanks for the comments, keep 'em comin' and I'll keep posting.
I don't really comment as a general rule. Unless really provoked. Rest assured, though, I am reading.
K-Bo: is "nastalgic" the feeling you get when you want to listen to Nas? If so, here:
As for a G/Drej production, how could it be as cool as yours? Most of it is just me trying to get G to post something. It's a viscous cycle.
(That's not a typo. I mean it's a cycle the consistency of molasses.)
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