Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Home For Christmas

Well, it's official...I am coming home for Christmas. I was on the fence about it, for many reasons great and small, but in the end, I decided it would be just too sad to not be home for the holiday. Arlo is staying here to be with his family and hold down the fort (and the pets). I will be heading in on December 23 and staying until December 28. This should give me just enough time to visit all of my family and friends, give and receive presents, eat way too much, and talk way too much about the wedding.

My last day of work is official as well...on November 30, I will be leaving the clinic. I can't believe that there is only two and a half weeks left. For the last month, time has flown by. I have a lot to wrap up in the end, and the nice thing is that there is a new therapist who will be working with most of my clients, so I am not leaving them feeling completely abandoned. She's a great therapist and I feel very comfortable having her continue the work with them. Whether or not one of my clients actually attacks her out of anger for taking my place is another question. I'm not sure what I'm going to do (if anything) for money for the remaining time in Wisconsin, but I'm not going to worry about it now, at least not for the month of December. Because, check out what I have to look forward to! My mom is visiting us this weekend to enjoy Wisconsin goodness one more time. In early December, Arlo and I are going to be heading to Florida to visit my dad, and the day after we get back we are going to my first Packers game. After that, we are heading to Chicago for the weekend and staying at the Wyndham for our Christmas present to ourselves, and then home for Christmas. Happy December!!!! I am so excited, I can hardly stand it, there's so much to look forward to!

Alright, peeps, what do you have going on in December? Also, what are your thoughts on presents this year? Love them? Hate them? Not sure how I feel about homemade presents this year, but I'm not entirely opposed or planning on it. We'll see how those three weeks in December go, with everything else.

I hope all is going well with everyone on the East Side. Take care, y'all!


Unknown said...


So good to see you back on the blogosphere, and we'll look forward to seeing you back East for Navidad. Bring beer...lots of it. I pay good money...

jenr78 said...

Sorry to disappoint, Bill, but I will be flying so I don't think there will be beer. However, come March,WATCH OUT! We are going to need a vehicle just for all of the awesome Wisconsin beer!

Jessica said...

December will be a no stress, all holiday prep month for us. I'm all about no stress this month, so if Christmas gift will add stress to your life, I am against them. Since I started shopping early this year, your gift has been hanging out in my house for, let's see, 2 months now. I'm totally serious about this no stress thing this year. I refuse!

Anyway, I'm super glad you are coming home for Christmas. We're excited to have you for Christmas Eve, even though we're sad that Arlo won't be here.