As most of you know, he's had the ring for a while, which has caused some (mostly my mom) people consternation. Arlo kept telling me he needed a whole day, and I really didn't know why, but I figured that if he said that, it must be true. Looking at our upcoming few weeks, I realized that there was no way we were going to get a complete day to ourselves with nothing else, so I suggested that perhaps I take a day off, thinking he totally wouldn't go for it, because then it wouldn't be expected. He loved the idea! We decided on Wednesday, because Thursday he would be getting ready for Lollapalooza.
Tuesday night I was so excited it was hard to sleep. Wednesday morning, we woke up, had a quick breakfast and got ready for the day. Arlo wanted to dress up, so he donned a button-down and

Arlo informed me that we would be going to a variety of places that day. He had created a list of 30 to be exact, 15 places, 15 bars/restaurants, all within the Milwaukee area, and all having to do with us in some way. Each place had 3 trivia questions and a challenge. There were point values, etc, and I will let you consult Arlo's blog for the details on that. I earned points for correct answers and achieving the challenge. The goal: To reach 135 points (the number of weeks we've been together). Wherever that happened, he would propose.
I'm guessing many of you are saying, "Well, that's interesting..." and some may even be saying, "That's mean..." to make me work so hard for the ring. Why not take me to some nice, expensive mea

Throughout the day, I changed my facebook status, found a cookie, flew a kite, beat him at pool, tried to find a beer he hadn't tried, tried to find out which artists are coming to Shank Hall in Octob

Lo and behold, we were a mere 8 points away (I think) from the 135, and we pulled up to the beach. It was packed! Not what I had been expecting when I pictured his romantic proposal. We parked and Arlo suggested we walk a bit away from the beach. We chose a spot on the rocks, sitting on the shore of Lake Michigan, and he asked the final three questions. Then, having gotten them all right, he asked one more- If I would marry him. He actually said more than that, but you get the picture. He got down on one knee and put the ring

Driving home, we decided that we wanted to go out and celebrate some more. We decided against the fancy restaurant on the lake, choosing instead the more casual Mexican restaurant down the street from our place. We changed our clothes and then biked there, stopping (of course) to call my mom and grandparents.
Sadly, I couldn't tell anyone at work, because I thought it would look susp

I am so happy to be engaged to Arlo. I look forward to our life together and all that is to come. I know that, like the proposal, our life will be anything but boring.
P.S. I am aware that all of these pictures are of the ring, my hand, and me, but the other pics are on Arlo's camera, and will be uploaded soon. We got some good, "just engaged" pics!
UPDATE!!! I've entered us in the Crate and Barrel Ultimate Wedding contest, and the way to become a finalist is to get as many votes as possible. Here's where you come in.
If you liked our proposal story and want to try to help us out, please vote for our entry in the "Ultimate Wedding Contest" by clicking here or copying the following link:
Thank you so much for your help!
We're so happy for you both and can't wait to hear
more about when you'll be flying to be inSurvivor!!!
Jen, after re-reading I was wondering what would happen if you wholly flunked the test? I think my hat's off to arlo for all the effort to make this wonderful event even more unique and special. I can't wait to congratgulate you iN person!
That's awesome. really awesome.
I hope Arlo's version puts up all the challenges and trivia questions.
congratulations jen and mad props to arlo for being so creative
What a great, creative way to propose.
Is the ring a sapphire? Clearly I'm pro ;)
Jen what's Arlo's blog? I want to read his version!
Thank you, and yes, Arlo deserves mad props indeed for his proposal. Hopefully his version will have questions and challenges, that's what I'm hoping. It may be awhile for his, though, because he too is without computer, and he's going to Michigan with his dad for a long weekend, won't be back until late Monday. So, I would say expect his post sometime next week. Until then, you'll just have to wait. And, yes, the ring is Sapphire. I steered Arlo in that direction, with the three stones, but ultimately, he picked the setting and the jeweler did the rest!
Cool. What's the link for his blog? I don't have the address b/c I don't follow it normally.
That's okay Missy; he doesn't update it normally, either.
Hey now, to be fair, his computer has been broken for over a month now! I think it's back next week, so hopefully you'll get the whole story then! (and pics!)
I finally wrote my post... meaning I finally get to read this post!
Bill, it wasn't a test... but if it was, I would've graded on a curve.
Andre (I'm sure I spelled your name wrong, I didn't post all the questions because, as you'll see, the post was already way too long... however if you're interested, I could probably post them separately one of these days. Also, I think I included all of the challenges for the places we went.
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