Two posts in one weekend?!?!? You must be joking! But I am not. I just wanted to share another lovely gift we got. Arlo's dad, Jerry, is a fantastic glass-blower, and after he made us several cool glasses and vases, I made a request. I asked him to make us a hanging light fixture. Much to my delight, he did it! He even got us this cool pendant kit to hang it. However, it was meant to go right into the ceiling, and I didn't think our landlords would like it if I just went and cut a 4-inch hold in the ceiling and started searching for wiring, so we had some amending to do in ord
er to set up the light. Arlo's dad also made one for Sally, Arlo's sister, and she did the same thing, so she offered very helpful advice on how to do it. Basically, it just meant buying a swag-kit, you know like the hanging lamps that were popular in the 70's, and attaching it to the bulb outlet from the pendant kit. Considering neither of us have any electrical experience, I'd say we did a pretty good job. After we finis
hed it, we celebrated our handy success by going to a yummy new restaurant, Palamino's, where we ate fried foods, drank beer, and watched the Cubs game. Wow, it's almost like Arlo's dating a dude.
The light is awesome and it not only gives the kitchen a pretty glow, it leaves a cool wave pattern on the floor because of the edges.
P.S. The last picture has absolutely nothing to do with the light, but I think this is pretty much the cutest picture of Sidd that I have ever seen!
Night, y'all.
Man, I'm glad to see that glass put to good use, and that I'm back on top for 2X in a row!
You know, I always marvel at my endurance. I mean, I can really run a joke into the ground, can't I.
BTW, Kevin's blog now officially blows donkey sphincter.
Facebook, Toby, Toby Facebook..
I like the light, and I think Kevin's blog is awesome. I am also unimpressed with Bill's endurance.
Happy Easter Y'all,
Holy shit! two posts in one weekend! I'm impressed. And the light is awesome. Not my style, but you know that, from my questionnaire a couple of years ago.
Wow, Bill, twice in a row! I am impressed!
Perhaps I should be saying to you, Blogger, Fizgig, Fizgig, Blogger.
Facebook, facebook...blogger, facebook.
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