Friday, August 1, 2008

Day 1: Racine

So, up early to see Arlo off and then back to sleep until the yummy hour of 10:00. Woke up still exhausted and sore, and grateful to not have to pack, move, or clean anything. Went out to breakfast with Arlo's mom and her parents, first family excursion minus Arlo. We went to their usual place, The Golden Key, where the waitresses were really nice and helpful, and the talk was of fish fries, family parties, and all that is great about Wisconsin.

After a filling lunch and a stop at the Piggly Wiggly's for bread and cat litter, it was back home for a nap and to get down to work. Studied for my upcoming exam while keeping my completely freaked out cats, now entirely devoid of drugs, company. Surrounded by creepy dolls and the silence of an empty house (Debbie had left for Madison to drop off her painting and then headed home), I tried to study for a bit before the real festivities of the evening began- First Friday's in Racine, WI. Around 7 I headed down, as the shops were "staying open until 9"!!

So, now I'm sitting here, buzz from my free wine wearing off as I sit at Dunn Brothers coffee house drinking iced coffee and listening to a folk band. While walking around, these are some of the things I heard:

* What do you mean, you've never heard of Salvador Dali?

* Can you believe it?!?! $60 for a picture frame?!?!

* You're making me out to be an alcoholic!
Well, it's not that hard to do!

Pretty funny being a fly on the wall and walking around a new place by yourself. A couple of observations about the people of the midwest so far:
* Drivers will actually stop at a GREEN light for you to cross the street!
* When people need to get by, they say, "Pardon me," and when they bump into you they say,"Excuse me." Weird.

Alright, it's getting late, a whopping 9:30, and I'm exhausted, so I think I'm heading home to chill with the cats, read my self-help book about accepting change, and get some sleep before Arlo's return from the concert at around 2:00 am. Tomorrow morning I'm dropping him off at the train station early and then it's by myself for another day. I'm contemplating the possibility of painting the second bedroom of our place on Sunday. Any suggestions??? Take care, y'all. I'll post again soon. Love you!!


chovak said...

Did they mean that $60 was incredibly expensive or incredibly cheap? It's both.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you made it save despite a bump along the way. That's great that you are already up and about and exploring on your own too. Can't wait to keep checking back.

What color did you decide to paint?


Missy said...

Heh. I totally do the "pardon me" thing.

amanda said...

welcome to blogland! glad to have you in it. I've added you to my bloglines subscription :)

Sounds like you had an interesting weekend...hope you're settling in OK. I'm sure it's better now that Arlo is there full-time. Keep us posted on how it's going (and we'll do the same!)

miss you!!!