Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Thankgiving and More!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Sluggish With Crab....mmmmm.....crabbbb....
Backstory: Arlo and I were biking one day up Layton Ave. We passed a restaurant with a large plane attached to the front. Arlo said, "Let's go check out the menu (or something like that.)" He loves it when restaurants post their menus outside the door, it's like window-shopping for him. Anyway, he was excited to point out that they have All-You-Can-Eat crablegs on Wednesday night, market price. Checking on the price for me, he found out that it's usually around $26-28. Normally I'm not a fan of AYCE, as I find I never feel I get my money's worth and the food is usually subpar. However, I must admit I was intrigued, as crab is probably one of the only things I know that I can keep eating for a long time without getting full.
So, as tomorrow's my first "real" day at my new job, not at a training center, I decided it was time to treat both of us to an awesome meal. And did it live up to expectation! Wow! I ate a bucket of crab! It was freakin fantastic! Arlo got AYCE fried chicken, fried fish, and french fries (A.K.A. Arlo's ideal meal), which was also quite tasty. We ate ourselves silly and then came home and practiced the blocks, holds, and other self-defense moves I learned in training today. No, really. It was fun, but kind of sucked with the full stomachs.
Now, it's about 9:00 and Arlo's already asleep on the couch. I've picked out my outfit for tomorrow and am ready to get up butt-early to assure that I'm not late on my first day. I will post after to let everyone know how it goes, and I all I know so far is that my office is in what was the conference room, leading me to question, "Where will we have conferences now?"
Have a good night! I'm going to go put on my pj's so that my belly can expand under the pressure of the two-plus snowcrabs that gave their lives for me. Oh crabs, how I have loved you.
One more thing...I just realized that I mentioned this but never followed up...I decided to quit my job at Louise's Trattoria. I really liked the people I worked with and the customers were nice. I just think that I will be way too busy with the new job for any additional stressors, you know? Plus, it feels weird to me to be the Outpatient Clinic Manager by day and waitstaff by night. So, after this Saturday, no more Louise's, though I am hoping to hang out with some of the people I met there, as they are pretty cool.
See you in about a week!!!!!!!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Thanksgiving Weekend Plans
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I'm a Bit Obsessed With the Leaf Blower
2. Halloween! Arlo and I went out for Halloween and had a blast! He was not thrille
Oh, and we also carved pumpkins, see below! Mine is the scary one.
3. I joined the Y! They had a deal for joining by October 31, so I did it and it's awesome! I have been twice since I joined and I haven't used the pool yet, but I'm very excited to head there tomorrow. I also can't wait for the spinning classes and kick-boxing classes. Arlo signed up with me on a family plan, though his intention is to use the gym more like a spa, going mostly to use the hot tub and sauna when it's really cold in the winter and he needs a good thaw. I, on the other hand, have visions of us sweating together gleefully in a spinning class or encouraging each other as co-spotters. Ah, the idealist. So much fun to dream, so sad when those dreams are dashed!
Alright, best be going. I need to get ready for work now. One last thing. I'm trying something new for Christmas this year. I have an idea of what I want to make everyone for Christmas, but I'm making an offer. If there's something I've given someone else or something you've seen, thought up but don't think you can make (a la Kevin's blanket with sleeves), or something I've made you before and you want another one (like a new pair of pj bottoms), please shoot me an email or post a comment. I will try to honor requests. That being said, if I have my heart set on making you something else, you might get that, so you'll still be surprised come gift exchange time.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The Arrival of Fall (and Wendy) to Wisconsin
You know it's fall in Wisconsin when all of the Hortons begin getting excited about the Gaysmills Apple
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Tired Jen
I do realize that sharing all of this animal information makes me sound A.)like there's nothing else going on right now and B.) like the kind of woman who talks about her pets like they're her kids. These statements are indeed partially true, no doubt, but a bigger reason for all of this is that I'm freakin exhausted, not thinking straight, and my mind is drawing a blank. So, let's get organized, shall we? What's been happening since last we spoke?
1. Arlo and I have been to one movie and one concert. Movie, Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist, Concert, Ray Lamontagne. Guess which I liked more. For those of you who guessed movie, you're WRONG! The movie was good, it was cute, sweet, and everything I love about a good chick-flick rom-com. 'Cause that's definitely what it was, despite having funny lines from Michael Cera and cool music. Definitely still a chick flick. It's funny, it makes me realize that I'm getting older, as rom-coms are now appearing with seemingly younger and younger casts. Weird. Anyway, the other event was the Ray Lamontagne concert http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddX1FOD1Yx4&feature=related. For those of you not familiar, he's a fantastic singer/song-writer/hetero-sensitivo with a gorgeous voice, who looks surprisingly like a combo of Zach Galifianakis, Iron and Wine, and some woodsy forest ranger. BTW, check out Zach here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JeUTEtP1lE&feature=related, he's a hilarious comedian, and he looks a lot like Ray Lamontagne. Anyway, it was a stirring, beautiful concert, and it made me jealous of his kids/future kids to have a dad who could sign the pants off any lullaby. Damn.
2. I have been working steadily at my new job at Louise's Trattoria. It's not exactly steady pay, however, as I am finding mostly famine with a couple of feasts. The people who work there are cool, however, and I'm enjoying trying to remember all of the Spanish I learned in high-school (as the cooks are mostly Latino).
3. I have been hired as a substitute teacher. This is another temporary job as I am continuing to look for gainful employment as a social worker. No dice on that, though there's an interview tomorrow, so we'll see what happens. I haven't done any gigs as a teacher yet, but I do have an orientation Friday morning, so let's see what happens next week. Who'd thunk that I would be back in the classroom after all of these years?!?! I feel like I'm repeating the last 10 years of my life, waiting tables, then teaching.
4. I've created a compost bin and started composting. Believe it or not, this is very exciting to me. It feels really good to be able to recycle even more of our waste. I don't have much in there yet, but it's a start!
5. Not really about me, but I wanted to share and to invite everyone on my list to go and check it out- Arlo started a blog!!! http://arlosbloggitybloggyblog-blog.blogspot.com/ It's meant as a more interactive blog about all aspects of pop culture, music, movies, television, etc. Give it a go. I have to say it's way funnier and more clever than mine, with less animal adventure stories, so you will probably enjoy it.
Alright I'm out. I really want to get a good night's sleep tonight so I can get up butt early and get ready for the interview/interrogation (depending on how you see it.)
Miss my peeps on the East Coast. Keepin' it real, yo.
Monday, September 22, 2008
"Pet Shenanegans" Clinches It (as do the Cubs)!
Being very cautious from the beginning, Arlo and I decided it was best to keep the pets apart for quite some time. So, the cats were living in our room, and Marley was in his bedroom if the cats were out. The cats had free reign when Marley was in bed and during the day when he was in his bedroom and we were out. All of that changed last week when we began letting the pets see one another. It started with Arlo walking Marley by the bedroom door and not letting him push in. Both cats stared at him, freaked out entirely, but for the most part stood their grounds. After this event, Fizgig became bolder, and anytime Marley walked up to the bedroom door or sniffed underneath, Fizgig would hiss and make this other weird sound that wasn't growling, but sounded like coughing, and he would hit the door. It was pretty funny to witness.
Since then, there have been other pet interactions, always with Marley on the lease. Sidd has finally seen him and not gone running right away, and he hissed at Marley. Last night, Fizgig actually growled at him, a low, suprisingly loud growl. While I felt really bad for Marley (after all, he is doing nothing wrong except for being their instinctively hated species of animal), a small bit of me is actually kind of proud of them, kind of like when the parent of a scrawny kid finds out that their kid made the bully cry or wet himself. I'm hoping that eventually they can learn to get along, and I have no doubt that at least Fizgig will be able to exist in the same room as Marley eventually. Sidd on the other hand may take up permanent residence in our bedroom, which would be fine by me except for the occasional poo after I've scooped.
Other news- Arlo and I went out for the Packer's game. We walked up the street to what is literally our neighborhood bar, as in it is in a house in our neighborhood. That's right, Deb and John who live on Plainfield Ave. have created Deb and John's Plainfield Pub. It was awesome! I wish I had taken pictures. There was Packers stuff everywhere, pretty much everyone there but us was in Packers regalia, and there were 4 tvs all displaying the game, so I was surrounded by football. Sounds like my personal hell, right? Actually I had a lot of fun! We had beer and snacks and I actually watched a good almost half of the game. Unfortunately the Packers were slammed. We got to vote for the Best Dressed Packer Fan (we weren't even nominated as we were both wearing brown.) And, I saw the Best Women's Restroom ever! (not actually called that or voted by the people.) Ask me why. Well, because the place was plastered with pictures of half-naked men and jokes and forwards covering such topics as menopause, the menstrual cycle, men being idiots, and the need for chocolate. Hilarious!
So, just to conclude, as I was typing this, Arlo went to take Marley out to pee. While walking him by the bedroom, Fizgig tried to swat at Marley, shutting the door and then proceeded to open it again to posture at him, as if to say, "You wanna play!?!? You wanna play??!? Oh, I see how it is! Yeah, run away, little doggie. Go running back to your daddy." Oh Fizgig, you badass.
p.s. Pics are of the cats' favorite "TV" show- the nature channel going on outside of the window and (soon to be posted) picture of Deb and John's Pub.
I miss you all!!! Take care!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Finally, The Pictures!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Damn! I've been lax!
As for the other job, you know, the one where I do social worky type stuff? Well, haven't found one of those yet. Unfortunately, this continues to be a bit difficult, but I am still sending out my resume, calling places and checking online. I'll keep you all posted on that.
I guess nothing new to report otherwise. Oh, yeah, there is one thing. I saw an Indy race last weekend. It was the Indy 300, held at Chicagoland Speedway. I went with Arlo and his friend Scott. Having experienced it, I can safely say that while aspects were enjoyable (the crashes once the people were discovered to be fine, the company, and the finish), I have to say that I was wondering why people would pay actual money for this. I mean really, it's a bunch of cars driving in circles 200 times! However, who am I to judge. If given the choice, I would so dig watching a marathon of shows from E! and Style to my heart's content.
Alright, time to go study the 10 Points of Service for my quiz tomorrow. Man, this puts the LCSW-C exam to shame! Night, y'all. Pics to post soon. Love you!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Milwaukee Invaded By Bikers!
On Thursday, we went to see a jazz concert in Chicago. This weekend was Chicago's Jazz Festival, the largest free jazz festival in the U.S., I believe, and the kick-off was Sonny Rollins on Thursday night. Despite not being a huge fan of jazz, I took part, mostly because I knew it would make Arlo happy, and I didn't have anything else that was calling to me, besides E! or the Style Network. It was really cool! He played each song for like 20-30 minutes! It was like the Grateful Dead of jazz! And with the backdrop of Chicago behind the outdoor stage (Millenium Hall), it was perfect.
That pretty much set off our weekend on a good note. On Friday, we headed down to Racine to hang out with his mom and Mary and to go to a fish fry. I will not be describing my meal in detail, but if you want to know exactly what I ate, you can comment and I will give you a critical recall of the tasty delights of Chartroom Charlie's. On Saturday, Arlo and I were committed to cleaning the garage, or at least I was, and Arlo went to it full force with me, despite not being a huge fan of the idea, much like me with the jazz concert. We successfully emptied and organized our garage enough so that we could actually fit our two cars in the 2.5 car garage. Huzzah! Now, unfortunately, we still have lots of crap to go through out on the porch...but at least it's out of the garage! Afterwards we celebrated by taking an awesome photo series in which we are doing a jumping high-five. I really want to post it, but it's currently trapped in Arlo's camera, so check back later to see it. Energized by our organization and photographical success, we packed a lunch and biked to the shore of Lake Michigan for a picnic. Sandwiches made from tomatoes from Jerry's (Arlo's dad) garden and local cheese. It was delicious (spoken like Matt's impression from SNL of all the news stories about Gerald Ford dying in different ways). Lake Michigan is very cool. Because you can't see land across the way, it's almost like the beach. No great sandy shores though, and the water just a bit too cold for swimming.
Today was not as exciting, as most of it was spent following the directions of our GPS to various furniture shops in the hopes of buying the perfect couch during Labor Day sales. Alas, no couch was to be had. Rest of the day spent cleaning the windows, doing laundry, and other stuff way too boring to add.
Other exciting tidbits:
1. I now have homemade curtains in two, count them, two rooms. I will post pictures toute de suite.
2. Facebook is slowly becoming my favorite thing to check out when I wake up in the morning (sadly).
3. I find that Shannon Dougherty's lop-sided face still bothers me after all these years.
4. I wish I was as smart as Bill.
5. This Wednesday is our 1 1/2 year anniversary!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Minneapolis and More
Nothing else new really, just half-assedly looking for a job. As you can probably imagine, this hasn't actually gotten me any closer to having a job. However, I do have plans to go to Chicago, Madison, and Milwaukee proper to see live music in the next month-and-a-half. I also have plans to keep organizing, fixing up the place, and taking pictures to post so that everyone can see the progress (I'm sure you're all waiting with baited breath).
One last thing....I wish ALL of my friends on the East coast well, and I miss you all, not just those of you living in Maryland. But I do miss those living in Maryland just a little bit more. (Just kidding, Matt!) Oh, and one more thing...Bill is great!
Pictures to be posted later!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Something Only I Might Find Exciting
Saturday, August 16, 2008
A Day Late
So, the house is coming together nicely, as Arlo and I are trying to make good use of the space, straightening as we go. I have the fabric for both sets of curtains I'm making, and I will post pics of the finished rooms once curtains and artwork are hung. I started work on the kitchen table, which I'm really glad Bill didn't toss off the porch like most of the other stuff on it, and Arlo found these great diner-type chairs outside on the curb and I bought some fantastic red sparkle vinyl to recover them. Tomorrow, after visiting with his grandparents and picking blackberries at his dad's place, I will definitely be working on more projects. These projects are infinitely more pleasant and less daunting than finding a job, so that's pretty much where I spend most of my time. I'll be looking into jobs, emailing contacts, etc on Monday, so I still have one more day to completely dedicate myself to home projects.
I don't know how many of you check this, or check facebook, but I did want to add that I passed my exam and am now a certified clinical social worker!! I can practice, diagnose, and accept insurance, all without supervision. In fact, I can give you all diagnoses right now. Bill, from your response to an earlier post, you have Narcissistic Personality Disorder. :) That will be $75. Everyone else, you're safe for now. Going to bed now.
One last thing- from now on, I will be posting a "Live Music Total" (LMT) a tally of live music I've seen so far. As most of you know, Arlo's a pretty big fan of live music, and we have already been busy with lots of live music. So far the tally is 5, with Irish festival counting as 2, because there were several bands. We also saw Bon Iver, Brother, and I saw this guy and his band play on First Friday in Racine. By myself.
LMT= 5
Monday, August 11, 2008
Fire, Chicago, and Blended Pet Families
So, aside from the fact that I'm really far from friends and family, life is pretty good. I'm happy in our house, Arlo and I continue to do well, figuring each other out as we go, having some good laughs, and me trying not to take anything too seriously, and there has been no bloodshed amongst the beasts. Speaking of the beasts- update: Siddartha and Fizgig ventured out while Marley was on a walk, and with a babygate up, Sidd stayed out when Marley came home. It was pretty funny, albeit a bit alarming too, when Sidd sat, poised for action, Marley paws up on the gate, when it suddenly fell, scaring the crap out of Marley, same for Sidd, then both flew in separate directions, and I freaked out and shut the door to the bedroom. On the plus side, a few minutes later both cats were laying on the bed, not cowering under it in fear. That's an improvement!! I think we are going to try actual interaction with them tomorrow. I'll keep you posted on the Brady Bunch of Beasts.
In the meantime, I swear I will call each of you, so expect a phone call sometime after 10 your time sometime this week. I really need to charge my phone. Take care, y'all!!! I miss you all very much!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Freakin exhausted
Monday, August 4, 2008
Arlo Returns
So, tomorrow's the move, the truck's coming in the morning, and we have Arlo's dad, his girlfriend, her daughter and hopefully some of Arlo's friends. Of course, they're no Baltimore crew, but they'll do. I will try to post pictures of all of this on Facebook or maybe something like Shutterfly or something.
Oh, and one more thing: How cool is this?!? Within 10 minutes of our place is a park, a place that is called Fashion Ninja , another design place with sewing lessons, a health food co-op, a bowling alley, a gym, theater, and lots of bookstores and coffee places. It's like the place was made for me!!
Anyway, I miss you all like heck. Take care and I'll post soon. BTW, since he's being so sweet and scratching my back, Arlo says hi. :)
Friday, August 1, 2008
Day 1: Racine
After a filling lunch and a stop at the Piggly Wiggly's for bread and cat litter, it was back home for a nap and to get down to work. Studied for my upcoming exam while keeping my completely freaked out cats, now entirely devoid of drugs, company. Surrounded by creepy dolls and the silence of an empty house (Debbie had left for Madison to drop off her painting and then headed home), I tried to study for a bit before the real festivities of the evening began- First Friday's in Racine, WI. Around 7 I headed down, as the shops were "staying open until 9"!!
So, now I'm sitting here, buzz from my free wine wearing off as I sit at Dunn Brothers coffee house drinking iced coffee and listening to a folk band. While walking around, these are some of the things I heard:
* What do you mean, you've never heard of Salvador Dali?
* Can you believe it?!?! $60 for a picture frame?!?!
* You're making me out to be an alcoholic!
Well, it's not that hard to do!
Pretty funny being a fly on the wall and walking around a new place by yourself. A couple of observations about the people of the midwest so far:
* Drivers will actually stop at a GREEN light for you to cross the street!
* When people need to get by, they say, "Pardon me," and when they bump into you they say,"Excuse me." Weird.
Alright, it's getting late, a whopping 9:30, and I'm exhausted, so I think I'm heading home to chill with the cats, read my self-help book about accepting change, and get some sleep before Arlo's return from the concert at around 2:00 am. Tomorrow morning I'm dropping him off at the train station early and then it's by myself for another day. I'm contemplating the possibility of painting the second bedroom of our place on Sunday. Any suggestions??? Take care, y'all. I'll post again soon. Love you!!
Jen Goes West- The Road Trip
So, despite all of the work done the day before, we were still crazy the day we left. I still had to clean the apartment, drug the cats, pray that I wouldn't get charged during the walk-through, and travel with Arlo to drop off cable stuff and pick up Marley (not at the same place). We hit the road around 4, and I was already exhausted. I was also completely freaked out about my cats, as the drugs did really weird things to their eyes and the walked like my dad does on a typical happenin night. After a call to the vet, I was ready to go. We drove through three states that day (I think): Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. We stayed in three separate rooms that night, Arlo and Marley in one, Me and the cats in the other, and Debbie in the third. I was just excited about the bed and making sure my cats' eyes were normal again. (They were.) Up early and out that morning, drove the rest of the way. Around mid-afternoon I had some intestinal distress, and let me just tell you, that's the WORST time ever to need to be near a toilet. As I'm assuming that mostly my friends will be reading this, you already know I tell WAY too much info, so this won't be a surprise. Anyway, it sucked. Not only that, but I also drove away with no gas cap after the first fill-up. Surprise, surprise, Jen's forgetful. So, bought a new one, spent way too long in the rest-stop's bathroom, and we were on the road again. Made it to Racine around 8:00, I think. After going to Arlo's dad's place to use his computer to get insurance, we went back to his mom's and passed out. Arlo headed to Lollapalooza around 7:00 this morning and I was on my own (plus a Debbie, Arlo's mom.) I will do another post in just a few minutes, after I pee, find a plug for the computer and get a caffeinated beverage.