Friday, January 9, 2009

New Email Address

So, this is pretty silly to post, but I have a new email address, as my umaryland one is finally defunct. This makes sense, since I have not been a student there for over two years. My new email address I've actually had for a while, but never used, beyond using it as my Match email address. Andrej will be happy, as it's a gmail account. Anyway, it's easy to remember, I hope, as I have edited it off this post, based on everyone's recommendations.

Even though this isn't a real post, I do expect a response, at least from Bill, in order to make up for the fact that he MISSED THE LAST ONE! That's right, he missed it!

That's pretty much all I got. I'm actually going to sleep now, and this week has been pretty uneventful other than work, so not much else to add. I hope all of you on the east coast are well and happy. I heard you are getting some snow and sleet today. We had about 3 inches, a mere dusting. I think we may have a couple more inches overnight. But this isn't a weather post...what am I talking about?!? I think I'm starting to ramble now, so it's probably best just to go. Later skaters!


chovak said...

Oy! What're you doing, leaving your email address on the internet? That's like leaving your phone number in the stall of a truck stop mens room with "LOCAL GIRL, GIVES GOOD HED" next to it.

And yet again, Bill, I win. This is too easy.

chovak said...

Oh, but I do love that it's a gmail account. Go Google!

amanda said...

Maybe next time you should write your email as jenr78 at gmail dot com.

That way it won't get picked up by any of those automatic spammy things.

Unknown said...

Damn you all. A conspiracy, I say. I actually did comment the last time (a lengthy one), but for some reason there was an error and it erased my verbal diarrhea. In any event, I will make you pay, will pay dearly.

What's the definition and origin of the phrase "royal ass-kicking?"

Unknown said...

We want a new post. BOOOOOOOOOO...

chovak said...

new post, new post.

Unknown said...

Jen, I'd like to write your next post for you. In my mind, you've had a VERY exciting few weeks!

Unknown said...

New challenge. You get 1/2 point for being the first to comment on Jen's blog, but you get 2 points for being the LAST!

Eat it Andrei!

chovak said...

2.5 points to me, then.

Unknown said...


I love gmail too. When are you coming back to Baltimore?

jenr78 said...

To respond (and get the 2.5 points) don't know when i'm coming back but will be sure to keep you posted.